刘世企业由香港刘世企业国际有限公司、深圳刘世礼品有限公司、刘世制笔厂、刘世工艺厂和丝印厂组成。是以經營各種”笔”类礼品自主型生產工廠,生產各種中高檔禮品筆\工艺笔\羽毛笔\多功能笔\商务笔\广告笔和其他工艺精品礼品等, 产品全部采用优质原料和精良工艺, 遠銷歐美澳及東南亞多個國家.曾為迪斯尼.麥當勞YKK.日本邦民,美国华纳兄弟影视、美国黄石公园、中國銀聯,中銀人壽.香港政府、澳门政府、马来西亚皇室、香港財政司.歌力斯、阿迪达斯、香港基督教會、中國聯通、中國移動.可口可樂、青島啤酒、嘉士伯啤酒、深圳華為、三九集團、深圳廣播電視等國內外數百知名企業和單位設計制作各類工藝禮品.廣告禮品筆.商務用品等我公司產品可以按您的要求印上您所需要的各種LOGO并可以按照您的創意生產制造,感谢您在百忙之中瀏覽本公司網站, 並留下您的寶貴意見.如有需要請致電或電郵,我們可能有您所需要的各種筆類產品。为了更好地服务社会,现象国内外诚招经销商。Lewisyoung enterprise is a professional Premium writing instrument manufacturer. Product ranges include premium writing pen series; Craft pen series; Feather pen series; Multi-functional pen series; Business writing pen series; Advertising pen series and premium & souvenir series etc. Products are mainly ship to European countries,Americaand southern Asia countries. We have also been designing and producing different premium writing products and souvenir products for Disney, McDonald, YKK, Japan Kunitami, China Unipay, China Life, Financial dept. of Hong Kong, Grace, Adidas, Hong Kong Church of Christ,ChinaUnicom,ChinaMobile, Coca-Cola, Tsingtao Beer, Carlsberg Beer, Huawei Group, 999 Group, Shenzhen Radio and Television etc customers in the recent years. Lewisyoung enterprise’s subsidiaries include: Lewis International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd; Lewis Gifts & Souvenir Manufacturing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd; Lewis Pen Manufacturing Co. Ltd; Lewis Craft and Printing Factory. OEM businesses are welcomed! Please browse at our website at, or contact our sales representatives for more discussion, we will be here ready to serve! Domestic and foreign distributors and wholesalers are also welcomed!
- 主要经营产品:
- 工艺礼品笔 ; 广告笔
- 经营范围:
- 工艺礼品的技术开发及销售;投资兴办实业(具体项目另行申报);经营电子商务;文化活动策划;工艺美术产品的开发及销售;信息咨询(不含人才中介服务、证券、期货、保险、金融业务及其它限制项目);国内贸易,从事货物及技术的进出口业务(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外)。...
- 营业执照号码:
- 440301105444359
- 法人代表:
- 刘阳
- 成立时间:
- 2006-03-09
- 职员人数:
- 20人
- 官方网站:
- 未提供